UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities (DH): Notice of Call for Expressions of Interest to participate in DH Workshop
Posted: 21 August, 2019
The Irish Research Council and the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) are pleased to announce a call for participants to attend a workshop on “UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities”. The workshop will take place in Dublin, from 22-23 October 2019 and bring together leading experts from both countries to explore the current environment of digital humanities and opportunities for collaborative research between the UK and Ireland in the field.
The workshop will launch a new research programme focused on UK-Ireland collaboration in the Digital Humanities, jointly supported by UKRI International Fund for Collaboration and the IRC. It will play a key role in informing the thematic priorities to be taken forward through the programme and embedded within future collaborative activity – it is anticipated that a number of funding calls informed by the workshop will be launched shortly afterwards.
Expressions of interest to participate in the workshop are invited from Ireland-based researchers in research-performing organisations eligible for Irish Research Council funding. In addition, researchers in Ireland’s cultural institutions are eligible to apply to participate in the workshop. Ireland-based researchers should apply to the Irish Research Council to register their interest to participate in the workshop.
Researchers based in UK institutions can access the necessary information on the workshop here.
The online Expression of Interest Form for Ireland-based researchers is available here.
Please read the guidance document below before submitting your Expression of Interest Form.