10 October, 2024
Ireland’s Inaugural Teaching and Learning Research Fellowships Launched
Posted: 15 January, 2020

The National Forum, in partnership with the Irish Research Council, launched Ireland’s inaugural Teaching and Learning Research Fellowships on 13 January 2020. In this first iteration, five Fellowships will be awarded, each with a value of €45,000. The Fellowships, which are the country’s most prestigious national individual teaching and learning awards, will
- recognise, reward and celebrate those who have demonstrated, through practice, scholarship and leadership, a deep commitment to the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education.
- provide an opportunity for Fellows to share their knowledge and to expand their expertise in a variety of ways, including through research and scholarship, both nationally and internationally.
- provide a robust evidence base for future teaching and learning enhancement decision-making across the sector.
At the launch, Dr Terry Maguire, Director of the National Forum, remarked that “the recipients of these fellowship awards will help to develop a valued and informed teaching and learning culture in Irish higher education that will ensure the success of all our students.” Commenting on the potential the Fellowships have to nurture the synergies between teaching and research, Peter Brown, Director of the Irish Research Council, said: “Supporting high-quality teaching and learning and excellent research in higher-education institutions is of vital importance for Ireland’s current and future students. Certainly, these are complementary and mutually enriching activities. In recognition of this, the Irish Research Council is pleased to work in partnership with the National Forum on these prestigious teaching and learning awards.”
All information associated with the Fellowships, including the application form and the key dates, can be accessed here.