Irish Research Council presents report of early-career researcher workshop to Minister John Halligan TD
Posted: 29 September, 2017

The Bratislava Declaration of Young Researchers (BDYR) was written by young researchers and calls on member states and the European Commission to recognise the special role they play in the wider European research landscape. Among the authors of the BDYR was Dr Shane Bergin of the School of Education in University College Dublin.
The Council organised a workshop on the implementation of the BDYR in Ireland in March 2017. A cross-section of early-career researchers from pre- to post-PhD stages was invited as well as other relevant stakeholders.
The workshop was formally opened by the Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development, John Halligan, TD. The Minister encouraged the early-career researchers present to actively engage in developing suggestions for how Ireland could realise the scholarly environment envisaged by the BDYR.
As the workshop organiser, the Council has now published a summary of the round-table discussions which is available here.
The Interim Director of the Council, Peter Brown, presented the report of the workshop to Minister Halligan in Waterford Institute of Technology, in the presence of Council members, researchers, management and staff. In addition to publishing and raising awareness of this report, the Council will circulate it to relevant stakeholders within Ireland. It will also send the report to EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas. The Council wishes to thank all those who gave of their time and contributed to the workshop.
Pictured (L-R): Interim Director Peter Brown presenting the BDYR workshop report to Minister John Halligan TD